Monday, 14 January 2008

Motivational-Speaker-at-three-in-the-Morning dirty

It's January the 14th and everybody is aflutter trying to achieve their doomed New Years resolutions. Usually I never see the point of making them myself, people end up breaking them by this date anyway. The wierd difference this year is that by the pure pressure of possible failure, I have worked myself up into a uni enrolling and general life fixing frenzy. As I sit here I can even hear the soft rumble of washing machine shenanigans (is it just me, or do you think clothes have a big fat honking orgy when in the washing machine? All that turning and bustling in soapy water, how could something NOT happen? ).

Cleaning and Enrolling...

I feel so dirty...

Like motivational-speaker-advertising-at-three-in-the-morning dirty...